Join our team!

Office Management / Assistenz der Institutsleitung

Application deadline             28.07.2024
Job type                                  General personnel
Job profile                               General staff administrative
Start of service                       September 2024
Hours per week                      20-40 h/W
Employment relationship     Permanent

Further information:    
Application to:              

Sommerfest und Ausstellung
‘Graz Open Architecture 2024’

Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2024 awarded to the TU GRAZ

We are delighted to announce that the team from the Institute of Architecture and Landscape at TU GRAZ has received the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2024 under the motto "Architecture is Education".

Among the 5 international award winners, the awardees under the direction of Prof. Klaus K. Loenhart are the only ones from Europe who were able to convince with their unusual transdisciplinary practice of architectural teaching.

The Global Award is under the auspices of UNESCO and defines architecture as a means of self-empowerment and self-development as well as a means of safeguarding civil rights.

The Global Award Community now comprises 85 outstanding contemporary architects from all over the world. All award-winning actors are committed to sustainable architectural ethics and promote research, experimentation and knowledge transfer in the fields of sustainable architecture, urban regeneration and academic social responsibility.

The publication BREATHE - Explorations of our atmospherically interwoven future, published by Birkhäuser Verlag in 2021, can be read as a basic building block of teaching at the Institute of Architecture and Landscape In the wake of the great success of the Austria Pavilion at EXPO 2015, conceived by the Institute, it identifies breathing and the atmosphere as leitmotifs for the design of an inclusive future in a new climate regime.

While it was the atmospheric links of future social activities that were tracked down, today it is the ideas of our social action and design that are being worked on. With this award, the teaching at the Faculty of Architecture is given due recognition and far-reaching expression and positions itself sustainably and visibly in the academic world.

Dear IAL friends,

We cordially invite you to our exhibition, “ALL OF US,” of the abundant results of the academic year 22/23 in the context of the summer festival at the Faculty of Architecture at TU Graz.Together with our students, we will celebrate on

Thursday, 29 June 2023,
from 3 pm
- open end.

Location: Rechbauerstaße. 12, TU Graz Alte Technik Campus, First Floor
Room: AT 01104.

We are looking forward to being with us,
The IAL Team

Investigations into Our Atmospherically Entangled Future


As part of the HDA Research Laboratory, Klaus K. Loenhart presents the publication BREATHE – Investigations into Our Atmospherically Entangled Future, published by Birkhäuser Verlag.

The book explores breathing and the planetary atmosphere as intensely lively leitmotifs for the design of an inclusive future in a new climate regime, uncovering intertwinements of societal activities with the air and the atmosphere.

This carefully edited collection brings together renowned authors from various disciplines, and their ideas, observations, and examples inspire us to rethink our forms of social action and design. More info.

With contributions by:
Bruno Latour, Eva Horn, Heather Davis, David Life, Bronislaw Szerszynski, Jean-Paul Thibaud, Gernot Böhme, Peter Sloterdijk, Rosetta Sarah Elkin, Wolfgang Kessling, Anja Thierfelder, Matthias Schuler, Tomás Saraceno, Klaus K. Loenhart

The book will be available at HDA.

Date: 02.03.2023, 7PM

Venue: HDA – Haus der Architektur, Mariahilferstraße 2, 8020 Graz

HDA Research Laboratory and the accompanying events are part of the LINA programme.

Call for Students

Throughout the last semesters, we have worked on several Master Studio and Entwerfen proposals that would perfectly match this call. We would like to invite and encourage our former and current students to apply and contribute to the larger discourse on topics we have intensively discussed in class.  

L’architecte et l’existant

The vision of the Institute of Architecture and Landscape, accompanied by Prof. Klaus K. Loenhart, is expanding publicly. It took place in one more publication by Alternatives editions – "The Architect and the existing - Building with what is already there."

The contribution appears in the Manifestô series publication as a collection of "manifest" texts that put current societal and environmental issues at the heart of the debate!

For more information about the book, find out here.


The Institute's work on 'More-Than-Human Co-Habitation' was presented at the Summer Exhibition 'Open Architecture 2022' at TU Graz.

Summer Party and Exhibition ‘Graz Open Architecture'

Design for Climate Adaptation – Three Talks in Three Days

In association with

UIA World Congress 2023 Copenhagen:
Sustainable Futures — Leave No One Behind

Day 1:
Adaptation with Indigenous Knowledges

June 7, 11pm - 12:30am

Day 2:
Adaptation Through Nature-based Solutions

June 8, CEST: 12:30am - 2:00am

Day 3:
Adaptation Through Behavior Change and Action

June 9, CEST: 11pm - 12:30am

Billie Faircloth (Research Director and Partner KieranTimberlake; Adjunct Professor University of Pennsylvania, USA)

Adaptation Through Behavior Change and Action investigates design strategies that support or challenge human behavior and elevates individuals and communities that witness, are impacted by, and directly respond to climate change. We will explore the following questions:  How can the design of the built environment contribute to, support, and/or challenge changing human behaviors, values, and processes for working together to adapt to the impacts of climate change? How can innovative design and practice processes, including co-design and participatory design for climate change adaptation, make the design more effective as an agent of advocacy and positive change? How can architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design tangibly demonstrate and contribute to climate change activism? 

Klaus Klaas Loenhart (Professor, Graz University of Technology; Terrain: Integral Designs, Austria)

Gail Brager (Associate Director, Center for the Built Environment, Professor of Architecture, University of California Berkeley, California, USA)

Fabricio Chicca (Senior Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington, School of Architecture, New Zealand)

Join the symposium:

Passcode: 920329

Experts’ Talks @ia&l

Wir laden Sie herzlich zu den kommenden i a&l Experts' Talks am Institut für Architektur und Landschaft der TU Graz ein! Mit den Experts' Talks veranstalten wir eine Gesprächsreihe, die sich mit post-pandemischen gesellschaftlichen Praktiken und Vorstellungen eines biosphärischen Miteinanders auseinandersetzt.

Für den nächsten Talk in unserer Reihe haben wir das Vergnügen, John Thackara zu Gast zu haben, Schriftsteller, Kurator, Veranstaltungsproduzent - und Gastprofessor an der Tongji Universität - mit Schwerpunkt auf der Wiederverbindung von Stadt und Land. Mit dem Hauptfokus auf sozialem, ökologischem und relationalem Design hat John Thackara Biennalen und ortsbezogene xskool Workshops in 20 Ländern kuratiert. Er ist Senior Fellow am Royal College of Art und Gastprofessor an der Politecnico di Milano und der School of Visual Arts in New York. Sein jüngstes Buch - How To Thrive In the Next Economy: Designing Tomorrow's World Today - wurde 2019 in China veröffentlicht.

Wir freuen uns und laden Sie herzlich dazu ein:

Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2022,
16:00 Uhr

Die Veranstaltungsreihe findet über ZOOM statt. Für den Zugangslink melden Sie sich bitte per E-Mail bei Susanne Dlaska:

Anmeldungsfrist: 12:00AM, 19.05.2022.


The Sympoietic Island

Re-Thinking Architecture for
more-than-human neighborhoods on Ibiza

Masterstudio Summer semester 2022

At the Institute of Architecture and Landscape, led by Univ.-Prof. Klaus K. Loenhart and
within the Faculty of Architecture of the Graz University of Technology we announce an

open position for an

University Assistant (50%)

to be appointed presumably by March 1st, 2022. The position is designated for a 4 year period. The proposal of a Ph.D. project within the research areas of the institute will be supported.

Your future task

The focus of the research and teaching at the i a&l – Institute of Architecture and Landscape – lies on present and future challenges at the interplay of built and natural environment on both local and global scale. It addresses the processes and consequences of planetary transformation, in regard to changing climates, resource scarcity and societal change for which we imagine new inclusive design practices, strategies and prototypes. Focus and research areas include urban and rural planning based on climate design, plant agency, biomimicry, future energy and future food – all within its social practice. The institute is part of a close network of national and international researchers in the fields of design and innovation. The applicant will be involved in the preparation and management of current research projects, as well as in the institute’s teaching (bachelor and master programmes in architecture). The institute offers a vibrant and particularly cross-disciplinary atmosphere as well as ideal conditions for continuing education as part of a young and dynamic team.

Your profile

The applicant should have earned a master’s degree (or equivalent) with above-average grades in architecture and/or landscape architecture or closely related fields. We are looking for applicants with outstanding capabilities and experiences in the conception and design of projects in the interface of architecture, landscape and urban design. Teaching experiences in areas relevant to the institute are of advantage. The applicant should be a team-player, show interest in cross-disciplinary collaboration, and have joy and dedication in teaching. As the working language is mostly English, the applicant should have an excellent command of English (C1 or above, written and spoken), excellent knowledge of German or the motivation to learn German.

We would like to specifically encourage potential applicants with experience and interest in at least one of the following fields to submit their application:

  • Landscape urbanism
  • Systemic, ecological and performance-based design
  • Botany and biodiversity (climatic and vegetative performance)
  • Graphics and mapping techniques (analogue and digital)
  • Extended and experimental conceptions of architecture
  • Subject-specific software (CAD, Adobe Creative Suite, GIS, 3D modelling and simulation software, AI)

Graz University of Technology aims to increase the number of female employees at the university. Accordingly, we strongly encourage female researchers to apply for this position.

Classification and salary

The classification will be B 1 according to collective agreement for employees of the universities. The monthly salary basis currently amounts to € 1.485,75 pre-tax and can be potentially raised on the basis of the specifications of the collective agreement considering special subject-related experiences.


Please send your application including the usual documents (motivation letter, CV, portfolio, letters of recommendation, official overview of grades, copy of degrees) naming the position as well as the code to:

Graz University of Technology
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.Arch. BDA Petra Petersson

Rechbauerstraße 12
8010 Graz

or by e-mail to:

Closing date for applications:
February 9th, 2022
Code: 1530/22/001

The application has to arrive on the closing date at the latest!

We are looking forward to receiving your application!

Experts´ Talks @ia&l

We cordially invite you to the forthcoming IA&L Experts’ Talk at the Institute of Architecture and Landscape, TU Graz! With the Experts’ Talks, we are putting together a series of conversations that look towards post-pandemic societal practices and imaginaries of biospheric togetherness.

For the next talk in our series, we have the pleasure of hosting Anna Scheuermann, architect, curator and head of the "Architects for Future" local group Frankfurt/M.

Anna Scheuermann's practice focuses on architectural communication, addressing issues such as the activation of public space and urban participatory sustainability processes. Her explorations culminated in the political engagement for the initiative "Architects for Future", whose relevance for the future of our cities will be the topic of our next event.

Join us for one more brilliant discussion!

Wednesday, 11.11.2021
5:00 PM

The event series will take place via ZOOM.
For the access link, please register by email at Susanne Dlaska:

Homepage: Anna Scheuermann

You can find all Experts’ Talks here.

"Loutra - A Meteorological Landscape",
wins the second prize of the GAD Awards 2021

Congratulations to Laura Nefeli Chromecek!

Her diploma thesis " Loutra. A meteorological landscape ", supervised by Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Klaus K. Loenhart, Head of the Institute of Architecture and Landscape, wins the second prize of the GAD Awards 2021. We wish Laura good luck and a good start as Master of Science in Architecture! For more information about the project.

More Informations

Investigations into our Atmospherically Entangled Future

Exhibition 19.7. – 23.7.2021

Sehr herzlich laden wir Sie und Ihre Freunde am Montag, den 19.7.2021 um 19 Uhr, zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung, Buchvorstellung und Diskussion in die Architekturgalerie München im KUNSTAREAL ein.

Klaus K. Loenhart
Technische Universität Graz,
terrain: integral designs

Silvia Benedito
Harvard University

Nicola Borgmann
Architekturgalerie München

Exhibition 19.7.– 23.7.2021

Exhibition with photographs by Iwan Baan and Daniele Madia from the two books presented, BREATHE - Explorations into our Atmospherically Entangled Future, Klaus K. Loenhart and Atmospheric Anatomies: On Design, Weather, and Sensation, Silvia Benedito.

Architekturgalerie München in the KUNSTAREAL
Türkenstraße 30
80333 München

Entrance via L. Werner bookstore
Mon-Sat 10 AM - 6 PM

Our being-in-the-air shows that all aliveness cannot be separated for a moment from this most intimate and at the same time planetary form of atmospheric interaction and is by no means only contextual but constitutive for all life. This evening will explore breathing and the planetary atmosphere as highly vital leitmotifs for the design of an inclusive future in a new climate regime. In that regard, the atmospheric linkages of future societal activities will be traced. With this awareness of entanglement, the deeply performative characteristics of the air, atmosphere and climate are foregrounded and can be discovered as central agents in the conception and design of our planetary existence. Univ.Prof. Klaus K. Loenhart and Univ.Prof. Silvia Benedito introduce this thematic field in the context of the new publications of their books, in order to discuss with you the creative and societal opportunities in a time of escalating climatic and atmospheric challenges.

Feel free to inquire for further information via:

Investigations IntoOur Atmospherically Entangled Future

We are proud to announce and present the latest book release:

BREATHE – Investigations Into Our Atmospherically Entangled Future explores breathing and the planetary atmosphere as intensely lively leitmotifs for the design of an inclusive future in a new climate regime, uncovering intertwinements of societal activities with the air and the atmosphere. With this awareness of entanglement, the deeply performative characteristics of the air, atmosphere and climate are foregrounded and cam be discovered as central agents in the conception and design o four planetary existence. This carefully edited collection brings together renowned authors from various disciplines, and their ideas, observations, and examples inspire us to rethink our forms of social action and design.

Available online on in German and English!

"TOPOS - A micro-climatic landscape",
wins recognition prize for resource saving and
climate friendly architecture at GAD Awards 2020

We would like to congratulate Maria Kougia for her achievement!

Her diploma project, Topos – A microclimatic landscape, supervised by Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Klaus K. Loenhart, Head of the Institute of Architecture and Landscape, wins a prize in category of resource-saving and climate-friendly architecture. We wish Maria best of luck and great start as Master of Science in Architecture!

More Informations